time flies

assalamualaikum and hello :)

Been missing me huh? I am sorry for taking a very long break from my blog. My last post was on May. Guess I have been away for too long. Therefore, I think I should stop feeling regretful and shocked for my long lost on blogger. Now it is the time for my fingers to dance gracefully on the keyboard and share something with you people.

So where should I begin? Just to tell you that I am now officially finished my first year of studies in UPM. This September, a new chapter of my life will begin. New syllabus, new juniors, same professors, same course mate (some may change their programme) and new responsibilities. This semester was really a real fighter against me. I learn a lot and along that journey that were its high and low. I cried a lot last semester due to lots of problems arose.(I’m such a cry baby.....hahahaha) But, all the bittersweet memories taught me to be a better person and made me see the world in a different perspective. I become more matured and patience when dealing with problems.

If I list out, what I missed from my last semester, I guaranteed it would be a very long long long list. However, I felt contrition because I did not appreciate every second of my life and never cherished it with good memories. Well, sometimes you need bad ones too as a life lessons.

Sorry for all this babbling...actually I did not have a clear topic to write for this post. It is just a way for me to say hi. I already have a few topics to be shared with you guys. I will try to finish the drafts as quick as possible and I think I can because I have lots of free time. (I'm on my semester break right now!!) To BTFJ, myra, yati and diba....please..no all of you must spare time with me, hangout together during ramadhan or raya. This an order. I think thats all I wanted to share.Love and kisses from me and we will meet again on the next post.

Cheerio :D

missing you girls already :(
