#RayaPost : raya camne?
Sorry for not writing a new post. I was taking a rest for a while and actually busy celebrating Hari Raya. Only in Malaysia you get to celebrate Raya for a month when actually Aidilfitri is celebrated only on the first day of Syawal.
So the first week in the month of Syawal were well spent by visiting the relatives and some of my friends and alhamdullilah I'm still in an eligible age to receive duit raya. I guessed I look young after all, right? *lempang guruh* My aunts had made some plans to stop giving us duit raya once we reached the age of 23.It was a major bad news for me as it will mark the end of my side income. *nangis lelaju*
My Raya experiences? Nothing much. Maybe because it is time for me to enter the grown up phase,the eid spirit started to fade away. This year Raya was quite boring, to be honest, except for the part where I received duit raya and ate delicious food. *kaching kaching-usap perut*
However, there were quite a few things I'm uncomfortable with.
1. Budaya bersalaman. Ni lah perkara yang buat hati che gundah gelana saban tahun. Gi mana mahu elak salam yang bukan mahram kita. Mahram is simply defined as someone that we can marry with. And we are obliged to cover our aurah from them. (this including both men and women).So, this year unfortunately the same case happened to me with my uncle. There are certain school of thoughts which allow you to shake hands with the mahram, only if it is in the public and by not doing so will bring shame on them. So, I end up giving my wrist instead (because it is covered with my cloth) and pull my wrist in a speed of light.
Some might asked, "how about wearing gloves instead?". For me, it doesn't make any difference, only your wudhu'are kept.
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2.Technology. During this raya,there were some people who were busy focusing their eyes on the screen and snaping pictures,then uploading it to instagram.(including me..ahaha). It is okay for you to spend some time with your gadgets, just to kill some time or to overcome your boredom as your parents are busy talking and suddenly you're left aside. (I've been in this situation quite a lot). But take time to talk to the host and their families. Who might know, you might find someone special among that circle?
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soalan pertama lepas salam dengan tuan rumah....hehe |
3.TV programmes. I hate it when it comes to raya, all the tv station are in a war on which station have the best line of raya's programmes. This includes tv shows, movie, telemovie, drama and etc. So much to watch but you can only watch certain programmes as it were aired on the same time. For me, before I went back to Johor for three days, I had set my astro to record all my favourites programme but in the end, I end up deleting it because it was too much :O
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hamik kau....ni baru tv3 *rahang jatuh* |
so itu jela, suka duka rayaku. Dari kecik sampai besar, rayalah satu-satunya hari untuk kita bersama berkumpul bersuka ria. Tahun ni, kami sekeluarga beraya berenam je. Mungkin tahun depan, raya 7 orang pula? Ahahaha....Last but not least, gambar raya tahun ni. Tapi gambar satu family takde pula. Kalau upload tahun lepas punya, boleh la kan?
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dengan tok chik kat Johor. Tengok duit raya kat tangan. |
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adik beradik ibu :) |
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apa erti raya tanpa bunga api. (Mercun KLCC) |
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raya2012. *Abaikan pipi gemuk I olls tu* |
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