I just realized that there were no new entries for almost a month. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for my new post. Been busy with my studies and my duty as MTM. So, now I'm already in my week 4 of lecture and by next week, I'll have my first test until week 7. I'm pretty much nervous as there were lots to be covered and the clock is ticking fast. Moreover, I aim to get 4.0 for my cgpa or at least my name will be listed as one of the DL students. (Pray for me.... Please)
During this 4 week of lecture, I have always been in a situation where I forget what I had learned previously. One thing that I just noticed is, I couldn't use the same study method that I used when I'm in school.
Even though that you never learnt the same thing twice (taking the same subject twice) but you couldn't neglect what you have learnt from the previous semester. I felt ashamed every time I could not answer, whenever the lecturers asked. What that I regret the most is, I know the answers to the questions but my mind just cannot fully recall it. I know that I had learnt it before but why I couldn't remember it (read: ingat-ingat lupa)
Then, I realized, what is my main intention when I opened a book to study? It is just for the sake of quizzes, test and final exams or for a more noble reason, that is to gain knowledge.
If your aim when studying is to get good results in exam, that is what you'll get. So, it would better aim to get knowledge during the process of study.
Dr. Puad Abdullah is one of my favorite lecturers. I'm always amazed at his unique way when delivering his thought. Each word that spill from his mouth is precious and it would be a total lost if I don't appreciate it. He constantly reminds us to appreciate knowledge and applied it in our life. (Thinking of doing my FYP with him).
So, hopefully we can reset back our study intetition, especially as a Muslim, we have to put Allah as our main reasons when doing something.
I just realized that there were no new entries for almost a month. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for my new post. Been busy with my studies and my duty as MTM. So, now I'm already in my week 4 of lecture and by next week, I'll have my first test until week 7. I'm pretty much nervous as there were lots to be covered and the clock is ticking fast. Moreover, I aim to get 4.0 for my cgpa or at least my name will be listed as one of the DL students. (Pray for me.... Please)
During this 4 week of lecture, I have always been in a situation where I forget what I had learned previously. One thing that I just noticed is, I couldn't use the same study method that I used when I'm in school.
Even though that you never learnt the same thing twice (taking the same subject twice) but you couldn't neglect what you have learnt from the previous semester. I felt ashamed every time I could not answer, whenever the lecturers asked. What that I regret the most is, I know the answers to the questions but my mind just cannot fully recall it. I know that I had learnt it before but why I couldn't remember it (read: ingat-ingat lupa)
Then, I realized, what is my main intention when I opened a book to study? It is just for the sake of quizzes, test and final exams or for a more noble reason, that is to gain knowledge.
"What did you aim, that is what you will only get." -Quoted.
If your aim when studying is to get good results in exam, that is what you'll get. So, it would better aim to get knowledge during the process of study.
"Appreciate knowledge and use it to motivate yourselves"- Dr. Puad Abdullah
Dr. Puad Abdullah is one of my favorite lecturers. I'm always amazed at his unique way when delivering his thought. Each word that spill from his mouth is precious and it would be a total lost if I don't appreciate it. He constantly reminds us to appreciate knowledge and applied it in our life. (Thinking of doing my FYP with him).
So, hopefully we can reset back our study intetition, especially as a Muslim, we have to put Allah as our main reasons when doing something.
Niat kerana Allah. Belajar untuk ubah nasib ummah, diri, keluarga, bangsa,negara.
So I should end it here. I have Bioinformatics quiz at 2pm today. I'll have my first test next week.
8/10 : Biochemistry
11/10 : Microbiology and Business Management
18/10: Tissue Culture
21/10: Bioinformatics
So please pray for my success and I'll pray for you too. May Allah ease everything. Amin :)
p/s: I'll try my best to update the events that happened in the past few weeks.
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